Thursday, February 25, 2010

Honest Scrap

The "Honest Scrap Award" comes with a caveat or two. First you have to tell your readers ten things about you they may not know, but that are true. Second, you have to tag 10 people with the award. Third, let all the people you've given the award to know they've gotten in (comment on their blogs or something. Thanks, so much Erin.

1. I snore. Those of you I've traveled with know this.

2. I love spending time by myself. Wouldn't want to live that way, but I love having a day where the phone doesn't ring, I don't have to get dressed, and can do anything I want.

3. Cell phone use in church really bugs me. I know some of you have your Bibles on your phones, but the light on the screen is really distracting and I know MOST of you are not looking up scriptures. Also, I almost can't stand it when people answer their cellies when they are supposed to be enjoying a nice meal and conversation with me. Or if I'm the only passenger in the car and a conversation on the phone is longer than a few minutes. So rude. Just turn the thing off, for crying out loud. I understand taking an emergency call or a sitter's call, but that's about it.

4. Have already bought several things for my future grandbaby and think about him/her constantly. I am obsessed. Get here April, so I will know if it's a grandson/daughter. Don't care which, just want to know.

5. My zoo friend membership number is 13. Yes, I have been a member of the zoo since my children were very young and have always renewed it. I love the zoo. Join zoo friends!

6. I frequently try new recipes when company is coming over. Usually it turns out okay, but sometimes, it's bad! So funny because it's usually my bunco friends and they are very forgiving. I normally set something on fire when it's the Baskins' Christmas.

7. I am a gift wrapping snob. I think if you go to the trouble of searching for the perfect gift, you should go the extra mile and wrap it. Gift bags, pleh. (Unless it's a huge, weird shaped present and I will usually try to wrap those)

8. Have a hard time saying "no" when asked to do something and then get mad at myself for agreeing to do something. However, I am almost always glad I volunteered when it's all said and done.

9. I am really pretty shy. I cover it up by pretending to be outgoing. Seriously. I would hide behind my mom and wouldn't speak to people until I was four or five.

10. Still wander down the Hobby Lobby wedding aisle and will scan bridal magazines in the grocery store check-out even though my daughter has been married for almost four years. It was so fun planning and working on her wedding. I would do it over in a heartbeat.

Now, I am not going to tag ten people. If you want to do this, fine. It's fun to find out interesting things about your friends, but no pressure, no obligation. Do it if you want. It's fun to think of things people might not know about you.


Erin said...

You DO wrap gifts so beautifully, by the way! :)

Happy Trails said...

I agree with Erin, you do a beautiful job wrapping gifts and I am ever so eager to partner up with you on a gift purchase, then I know my gift will be carefully, lovingly, gorgeously wrapped. I personally enjoy fluffing tissue paper to put in a bag.

sandybiggs said...

I actually already knew some of the things about you! :)
Of course the one about you already buying baby stuff is no big surprise, ha!