Tuesday, July 20, 2010

They say it's your birthday.....

Happy 21st birthday to my favorite son. We really don't know what it's like to have him home on his birthday. Tyler is usually at camp or on a missions trip and unfortunately, his birthday is in the middle of VBS this year, so no big party. Poor guy.
I did manage to roll out of bed at 5:30AM to get donuts while they had a good selection, so at least he had a birthday twist donut with 21 candles. Woohoo!
He chose to go to Los Cabos for dinner. Jason is in the UK on business, so it was just the four of us for dinner.
Can't believe my tiny little baby boy is an adult. Yeesh.

Ashlee creeping in on Tyler's photo.

The dogs were wanting a bite of Tyler's donut

Ashlee spent the night with us because she is helping me with VBS this week, so here's the granddog begging for a bite of donut.


Erin said...

Happy birthday to Tyler! The birthday doughnut looks yuuuuummmmy.

Ashlee Osborn said...

Can't believe Tybo is 21. That makeup-less photo of me is terrifying. I like the pictures of the dogs begging for donuts.