Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Crafty, Baby

Eli and I decided to try making a craft today. Here's how it went:

Not sure about the pom poms. They feel weird.

Got the hang of putting them in the bottle really fast. G-Ma made sure I didn't put any buttons or pom poms in my mouth. This is fun!
Love his little hands and fingers.

Oops! Checking it out before the water and all the pom poms and buttons are in the bottle.

The finished product (the lid was glued in place to eliminate any spills):
Hey, this is great! I like to craft with my G-Ma.
The last photo was thrown in just because he is so beautiful. Cannot remember what I did with my time before he came along. Time spent with this little guy sure is sweet.


Erin said...

That's a good craft there, Gma! And the chubby hands are just too much cuteness. :)

Ashlee Osborn said...

Cute little crafter. Glad he got some G-Ma craft time. I'm sure there's more where that came from.